Perks of working in Ireland



Ireland is a country that offers excellent work opportunities to foreign workers. If you are currently looking for career opportunities, then it is worth taking a chance to find jobs in Ireland.

In this article, we have enlisted some of the perks people can enjoy through jobs in Ireland. 

Better Quality Of Life

On the quality of life index, Ireland ranks higher as compared to other parts of the UK. The climate, overall social and economic environment, and safety situation are excellent. The country provides well developed public transport system. 

Better Average Annual Wages

The averages of annual wages of workers, both full-time and part-time, are way better than anywhere around the globe. According to the research, the average annual salaries of workers doing jobs in Ireland are somewhere below EUR 39,000 or USD 43,000. For the full-time workers, the pay is EUR 48,000 or USD 53,000, while for a part-time worker it is EUR 18,000 or USD 20,000.

Insurance Benefits

If you get a job offer in Ireland, then you will be offered life insurance and various health insurance benefits as well. It is mandatory to secure the workers with insurance benefits, and almost all employers offer it.

Social Security Perks

If you are planning on residing in Ireland, then you must apply for the Social security number or the Personal Public Service Number. A PPSN refers to the identity you use to get access to various social welfare services or obtain a driver’s license. 

If you are currently working in Ireland, then you can have access to the following benefits through a PPSN:

·         Free travel passes

·         Public Health Services

·         Housing Grants

·         Child Immunization

·         Health benefits

·         Education benefits

·         Driving license

The overall Public Healthcare system in Ireland is funded by General taxes from the public, and thus you do not have to pay additional charges.

Plus, the education system in Ireland is admired by people around the globe. The system offers various career options at all educational levels and thus equip you with better professional and academic development.

Cultural Diversity

You might find a lot of cultural diversity in Ireland. There is a large number of immigrants working in Ireland and contributing to the economy of the country. Also, the general public sentiments are welcoming and friendly.

Travel and Sightseeing in Ireland

Ireland is a land filled with spectacular landscapes and beautiful scenery. There are multiple tourist attractions available, including climbing, cycling, and sailing and climbing. Just choose the attraction and go for it. 

The travel network in Ireland is suitable for all kind of travels. With a variety of airports available across the country, you can easily travel back and forth to various European locations.

Business Giants

Ireland offers the best business environment to a variety of multinational companies, including:

·         Google

·         Ryanair

·         Facebook

·         Apple 

·         Microsoft

With the availability of better business opportunities, the worker demand is high. If you have relevant work experience and degrees, your chances of getting a suitable job will be improved.

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